Energy communities and initiatives news

Radionica „Energetske zajednice građana u Hrvatskoj“ održava se 18. rujna 2024. u Zagrebu

Radionica „Energetske zajednice građana u Hrvatskoj“ održat će se u okviru projekta SunSharing- Supporting Solar Energy Communities in SEE , 18. rujna 2024. u Zagrebu (InstantOffice - Zagrebtower, Radnička cesta 80).

Sudjelovanje je besplatno, osiguran je ručak za sve sudionike.

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Organizing Energy Communities: A Workshop for Citizens, Organizations, and Key Stakeholders

On April 12, 2024, the "Organizing Energy Communities: A Workshop for Citizens, Organizations, and Key Stakeholders" took place in Skopje, North Macedonia, at the Panoramika Hotel.

Energy communities and crowdfunding. Legislation, opportunities and good practices - A SunSharing Conference in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

On March 14, 2024, the "Green Synergy" Cluster organized a conference on the topic of Energy Communities and Group Financing as part of the SunSharing project in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, where experts from the fields presented the legislation and good practices on the topics.
Energy communities are groups of people who together produce energy from renewable sources. It is an association of citizens, with a democratic structure and a common goal that contributes to reducing their bills, achieving independence from large energy producers and contributing to the greener production of electricity for households. Although energy communities are the current topic in Western Europe, in Bulgaria the concept of them was introduced into the legislation quite recently - in October 2023. Crowdfunding initiatives are a method of raising funds through collective efforts. They allow greater independence for projects seeking funding, as they do not depend on a small number of large investors, but on more smaller participants who independently assess the benefits and risks of their investment.
Their potential and accompanying legislation have yet to be developed in Bulgaria, which is why subject matter experts have gathered together to exchange experience and good practices and together lay the foundations for development

Forum for Energy Communities in Western Macedonia

The Great Forum for Energy Communities in Western Macedonia” was organized by the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) with the contribution of the Regional Union of Municipalities (PED) of Western Macedonia and the Technical and Industrial Chamber of Kozani on Friday 3rd of November 2023 in the city of Kozani. The event was a huge success with more than 100 participants representing: the local government with both the former and current governors participating, most of the municipalities of the region of Western Macedonia with the respective mayors attending, local businesses, academia and other stakeholders. Two (2) members of the national parliament that represent the region attended the event and participated in the open forum part. The event was greeted by two (2) members of the European Parliament who highlighted the importance of Energy Communities for the region of Western Macedonia and explained their role to the Transition Plan for the region, their potential contribution to the prosperity of the citizens and the actions required for their further development. The first part of the event was focused on analyzing the current status of Energy Communities in the region and raised several questions and issues on how Energy Communities could face energy poverty and contribute in PV penetration towards self-sufficiency increase. The current framework was described and the barriers related to lack of incentives and funding mechanisms for citizens were discussed in detail. Moreover, technical problems regarding the hosting capacity of the grid for new PV systems were highlighted and the need to overcome these issues was strongly pointed out. Finally, representatives of established and operating Energy Communities explained the potentials and benefits for both the participants and the region in general. In the second part of the event the “Sunsharing” project was presented by the project partners. In this session the aim of the project was analyzed, the progress so far was presented and the current state of play for Energy Communities in each project country was discussed. Finally, the potential of the “Crowdfunding” scheme for further development of Energy Communities was explained to the participants by showing good examples across Europe and by highlighting how this scheme could be triggered in the SEE Europe.

Forum on best practice examples on energy communities - Skopje, North Macedonia

SDEWES-Skopje hosted the Forum on Best Practice Examples on Energy Communities in Skopje, at the Holiday Inn Hotel, on December 12, 2023. The event, organized as part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) funded SunSharing Project, provided a great opportunity for sharing experiences about energy communities, not just among partner countries but also across the European Union. 

Održana radionica "Gradovi, općine i energetske zajednice - partneri energetske tranzicije" u Prelogu

U petak, 15. rujna 2023. godine, u prostorijama Poduzetničkog centra Prelog održana je radionica u sklopu projekta Sunsharing - Supporting Solar Energy Communities in Southeast Europe pod nazivom Gradovi, općine i energetske zajednice - partneri energetske tranzicije. Na početku, okupljene je pozdravio gradonačelnik Grada Preloga, Ljubomir Kolarek, ističući zadovoljstvo što se Grad uključio u ovaj i druge projekte koji promoviraju europske trendove, odnosno zelenu energetsku tranziciju.

Radionica "Gradovi, općine i energetske zajednice - partneri energetske tranzicije" 15.9.2023. u Prelogu

Grad Prelog poziva sve zainteresirane građane na radionicu u sklopu projekta Sunsharing - Supporting Solar Energy Communities in Southeast Europe pod nazivom Gradovi, općine i energetske zajednice - partneri energetske tranzicije, koja će se održati 15. rujna 2023. godine u prostorijama Poduzetničkog centra Prelog (Hrupine 7B, Prelog) s početkom u 10:00 sati. U radionicu su uključeni ručak i večera te stručni posjet Gradu Križevcima, gdje će sudionici obići fotonaponske elektrane koje su financirane kroz model crowdfundinga.

2nd Information Session - Greece (Florina)

2nd Information Session - Greece (Florina)

1st Information Session - Greece (Kozani)

1st Information Session - Greece (Kozani)

SunSharing national reports on the current state-of-play available in the Learning section

SunSharing national reports on the current state-of-play available in the Learning section of this website are from today available to all interested audiences. The learning section provides reports in all the languages of the participating countries and shorter reports in English for each of the countries involved. Reports provide details on policy background analysis which lists all potential drivers 
and barriers to starting energy communities and crowdfunding initiatives in implementing countries.

A World Café style discussion of the current energy community framework in North Macedonia

The first bilateral meeting on the current state of play on energy communities in North Macedonia took place on 26.4.2023 in Public Room in Skopje and gathered key stakeholders from the energy sector...


Conference "The Path to Energy Communities Based on Renewable Energy Sources"

The conference "The Path to Energy Communities Based on Renewable Energy Sources" was held within the framework of the EUKI project SunSharing – Supporting Solar Energy Communities in SEE project on May 3 and 4, 2023, in the Moise palace on the island of Cres.

Save the date - Konferencija "Put prema energetskim zajednicama temeljenim na obnovljivim izvorima energije"

Konferencija „Put prema energetskim zajednicama temeljenim na obnovljivim izvorima energije“ održat će se u okviru projekta SunSharing - Supporting Solar Energy Communities in SEE , 3. i 4. svibnja 2023. na otoku Cresu (palača Moise).

Project started - kick-off meeting held in Zagreb

The kick-off meeting of the project SunSharing - Supporting Solar Energy Communities in Southeast Europe was held in Zagreb, on the 24th and 25th of January 2023, at the premises of the University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.