Supporting Solar Energy Communities in Southeast Europe

The project will potentially trigger the development of PV-based energy communities and crowdfunding initiatives, thus supporting the installation growth of solar PV technologies in the implementing countries. This will contribute to the decarbonisation of the power sector, reaching renewable energy targets and reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the implementing countries. Consequently, this will also boost the energy security of the implementing countries by reducing dependence on fossil fuel.


Increased visibility and understanding of energy communities and crowdfunding initiatives dedicated to solar PV projects in countries of South-eastern Europe (HR, BG, EL, MK).

  • Public authorities have increased their understanding of the policies on the topics of solar energy communities.
  • Citizens and public authorities of SEE are introduced to the best practice examples of solar energy communities in the EU
  • Increased capacity of citizens and local authorities for the development of solar energy communities
  • Improved capabilities of national authorities for development of energy community policies in implementing countries

The project started on the 1st of December 2022 and will last until 31st of December 2024.

Twitter: @fsb_unizg
LinkedIn: fmena-zagreb

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26.04.2024. Energy communities and crowdfunding. Legislation, opportunities and good practices - A SunSharing Conference in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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Energy communities are groups of people who together produce energy from renewable sources. It is an association of citizens, with a democratic structure and a common goal that contributes to reducing their bills, achieving independence from large energy producers and contributing to the greener production of electricity for households. Although energy communities are the current topic in Western Europe, in Bulgaria the concept of them was introduced into the legislation quite recently - in October 2023. Crowdfunding initiatives are a method of raising funds through collective efforts. They allow greater independence for projects seeking funding, as they do not depend on a small number of large investors, but on more smaller participants who independently assess the benefits and risks of their investment.
Their potential and accompanying legislation have yet to be developed in Bulgaria, which is why subject matter experts have gathered together to exchange experience and good practices and together lay the foundations for development

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We're operating in Croatia, North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria
Our main goal is to enable consumers to support the energy transition by forging alliances and crowdfunding community energy projects
Our main activities will be to organize events for knowledge transfer, forums that will connect consumers with policy makers, and crowdfunding campaigns
Our main areas of expertise and interests are connected to the energy planning and modeling of energy systems in transition towards zero GHG emissions economy, as well as end-user engagement and consulting.